Unlike human predators prior to the Information Age, iPredators rely upon the multitude of benefits offered by Information and Communications Technology [ICT]. These assistances include exchange of information over long distances, rapidity of information exchanged and the seemingly infinite access to data available. Malevolent in intent, iPredators habitually deceive others using ICT in the abstract and artificial electronic universe known as cyberspace.


Dark Psychology is the study of the human condition as it relates to the psychological nature of people to prey upon others. All of humanity has this potential to victimize other humans & living creatures. While many restrain or sublimate this tendency, some act upon these impulses. Dark Psychology seeks to understand those thoughts, feelings and perceptions that lead to human predatory behavior.


“Psychologist, Michael Nuccitelli, an expert in the area of online predators, points out, “Bullying use to be confined to schools, neighborhoods, or some small geographic location that the bullied child could leave and seek respite. With cyberbullying, the target child has no escape from the taunting and harassment”. Inside the Criminal Mind: Revised and Updated Edition, Stanton E. Samenow, Ph.D. [November, 2014]


Driven by grandiosity, sexual perversion or perceptual distortion, Online Psychopaths experience no remorse or shame for the harm they cause others. Just as iPredators, many do not break the law and live unscathed by law enforcement, fraternal organizations, religious institutions and the legal system. Using cyberspace and electronic devices, Online Psychopaths design and implement their criminal, deviant, violent, deceptive and cyberstalking tactics.


Troll Triad is a cyber psychopathology construct that introduces a three-pronged archetypal model defining groups of online users who engage in defamation of character, slander & libel. Troll Triad is also a template describing how future groups of iPredators will be partitioned into three archetypal segments. This troika includes the Cerebral, Provocateur and the Crier. When these three elements mix correctly, the Troll Triad becomes a masterpiece of human predation alchemy.


The iPredator Inc. cyber attack risk assessment PDF tests have been designed to work as data collection, assessment, educational and internet safety monitoring tools. The IISC tools are formatted for verification and initial screening for internet safety, cyber-attack preparedness and Information and Communications Technology (ICT) weaknesses. The IPI tools are designed for inquiry, open discussion and inspection of internet safety, cyber-attack preparedness and ICT vulnerabilities.


iPredator Inc. was founded in September 2011 to provide educational and advisory products & services to children, adults, schools, businesses and the professional and public safety sectors. iPredator Inc. is a New York Cybercriminal Psychology Company specializing in cyberbullying, cyberstalking, online sexual predators, internet defamation, corporate disparagement, digital reputation and cybercriminal psychology. iPredator Inc. provides investigation, training and consultation to online users.


Online Predators are sexual predators who use Information and Communications Technology to locate, target and victimize minors. Common forums used to target children include chat rooms, instant messaging or social networking sites for the purpose of flirting with and meeting others for illicit sexual experiences. Their ultimate goal is to meet and engage in sexual activities in either online or offline environments.


Cyberstalking is the use of Information and Communications Technology (ICT) to stalk, manipulate or habitually threaten a child, adult, business or group. Cyberstalking is both a tactic and typology of pathological ICT user. Cyberstalking tactics include false accusations, threats of harm and habitual monitoring to manipulate their target. To meet the criteria of cyberstalking, the information and tactics used must involve a credible or implied physical and psychological threat to the target.

Michael Nuccitelli, Psy.D.

New York City, New York

[347] 871-2416


[email protected]


Visit the iPredator cyberbullying page to download, at no cost, cyberbullying examples and cyberbullying tactics information.


Visit the iPredator page to download, at no cost, the psychology of online aggression & deception concept exploring the darkside of cyberspace.


Visit the iPredator psychopath page to review or download, at no cost, information about online psychopaths and the online psychopathy checklist.


Visit iPredator Inc.’s services page to find help, investigation, training and profiling involving cyberbullying, cyberstalking, cybercrime and defamation.



 The Information Age technocentric concept of being “connected” is an illusion causing us to lose our instinctual drives for social cohesion, allegiance and selflessness. As our dependency upon Information and Communications Technology [ICT] grows, the less we care for our neighbors and the more we delude ourselves into thinking that online connections are far more valuable than reality-based relationships.


Michael Nuccitelli, Psy.D. is a NYS licensed psychologist, cyberpsychology researcher and online safety educator. In 2009, Dr. Nuccitelli finalized his dark side of cyberspace concept called iPredator. Since 2010, he has advised those seeking information about cyberbullying, cyberstalking, cybercriminal minds and internet addiction.

By day Dr. Nuccitelli is a practicing psychologist, supervisor and owner of MN Psychological Services, PLLC. After work and on the weekends, he volunteers helping online users who have been cyber-attacked. This website and everything created by Dr. Nuccitelli is educational, free and public domain.


Cyberbullying, Cyberstalking, Cybercriminal Minds


iPredator Definition

iPredator: iPredator is a person, group, or nation who, directly or indirectly, engages in exploitation, victimization, coercion, stalking, theft, or disparagement of others using Information and Communications Technology (ICT). iPredators are driven by deviant fantasies, desires for power, control, retribution, religious fanaticism, political reprisal, psychiatric illness, perceptual distortions, peer acceptance, or personal and financial gain. They can be any age or gender and are not bound by economic status, race, religion, or national heritage. Their sole requirement to get started in this dark dimension is an internet connection.

Central to the concept is the premise that information age criminals, deviants, and the violently disturbed are psychopathological classifications new to humanity. Whether the offender is a cyberbully, cyberstalker, cyber harasser, cybercriminal, online sexual predator, cyberterrorist, internet troll, online child pornography consumer/distributor, or a person engaged in internet defamation or nefarious online deception, they fall within the scope of iPredator. The three criteria used to define an iPredator include:

  • A self-awareness of causing harm to others, directly or indirectly, using ICT.
  • The usage of ICT to obtain, tamper with, exchange and deliver harmful information.
  • A general understanding of cyberstealth used to engage in criminal or deviant activities or to profile, locate, stalk, and engage a target.

Unlike human predators prior to the information age, iPredators rely on the multitude of benefits offered by ICT. The primary differentiators of this very modern kind of predation are also threefold: the unlimited distance over which data can be conveyed, the immediacy with which the data can be conveyed, and the unlimited scope of data that can be conveyed. The importance of these three vectors of capability cannot be overstated. In pre-information age societies, by contrast, a predator’s malicious activity was local, slow-moving, and technologically constrained; the predator was limited to the area he could cover by car, to use an emblematic example, needed careful wooing or “casing” of his victim, and was restricted by the limitations of crude technologies like the telephone.

In the abstract and artificial electronic universe known as cyberspace, none of these restrictive qualifiers obtain. Furthermore, there is a fourth advantage that ICT offers iPredators: anonymity. On the internet it is easy for iPredators to actively design online profiles and diversionary tactics to remain undetected and untraceable.

Although the benefits of Information and Communications Technology far outweigh the detriments to society, humanity has been seduced by the illusory notion that more technology translates into a better quality of life.

Michael Nuccitelli, Psy.D. 


Dark Psychology Definition

Dark Psychology: Dark Psychology is the study of the human condition as it relates to the psychological nature of people to prey upon others. All of humanity has this potential to victimize other humans and living creatures. While many restrain or sublimate this tendency, some act upon these impulses. Dark Psychology looks to understand those thoughts, feelings, and beliefs that lead to human predatory behavior. Dark Psychology assumes that this production is purposive and has some rational, goal-oriented motivation 99.99% of the time. The remaining .01% is the brutal victimization of others without purposive intent as defined by criminology, evolutionary science, or religious dogma.

Dark Psychology posits there are people who commit these same acts and do so not for power, money, sex, retribution, or any other known purpose. They commit horrid acts without a goal. Simplified, their ends do not justify their means. There are people who violate and injure others for the sake of doing so. Within all of us is this potential. This potential to harm others without cause, explanation, or purpose is the area explored by Dark Psychology, which assumes this dark potential is incredibly complex and even more difficult to define.

“Cyberspace can be a classroom, insane asylum, dance floor or lethal weapon. It’s your choice what metaphor you choose.” 

Michael Nuccitelli, Psy.D. 


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