Isolation is the physical and psychological state of being physically alone or feeling lonely. In the physical realm, isolation represents the absence of social contact with others. The intrapsychic form of isolation is a perceptual distortion driven by a sense that one is not connected, part of or recognized by others. Interpreting reality as psychologically isolated does not require a person to be physically isolated. Given humans are social pack creatures; psychological isolation is far more debilitating than physical isolation.

ODDOR – Offline Distress Dictates Online Response
Offline Distress Dictates Online Response (ODDOR) is a sub-tenet of iPredator, which posits that offline psychological functioning directly influences one’s online interactions and interpretations. Whether someone is an online assailant, cyber-attack target or both, ODDOR does not discriminate. ODDOR postulates that temporary and long-standing psychological states can significantly taint an online user’s behaviors and interpretations. Perceptually isolated, ignorance of the existence of ODDOR and experiencing atypical affective and cognitive states increases the probability of being targeted by an online assailant. In addition to being at a greater risk of being cyber attacked, ODDOR influences an online user to partake in destructive and self-destructive online activities.
If a person is self-aware and reasonably healthy, their levels of ODDOR are less likely to become problematic. Just as self-awareness acts as a buffer between mental health and dysfunction, the same holds true for ODDOR. An online user’s risks of engaging in destructive and self-destructive behaviors are greatly diminished by monitoring one’s attitude before and during ICT usage. The ODDOR factors online users must be mindful of include
- Using ICT in an altered state of consciousness.
- Using ICT with an amplified sense of optimism or fatalism
- Using ICT to explore deviant or dark internal fantasies.
- Using ICT in a heightened state of distress, anger or carelessness.
- Using ICT with a medical condition that impacts intellectual functioning.
- Using ICT during affective states that are isolation or rejection themed.
- Using ICT during interpersonal conflicts and environmental stress.
ODDOR has minimal impact when an online user is cognizant of how others can misinterpret their perceptual biases and color the information they aggregate, disseminate and exchange. ODDOR poses a minimal risk when an online user’s faculties responsible for self-preservation are functioning properly in all online environments.
If an online user is distressed, angry, despondent or in an altered state of consciousness, their likelihood of behaving in a safe and cautious manner is obstructed. Although destructive and self-destructive actions have always been part of the discouraged person’s proverbial “psychodynamic toolbox”, ODDOR assumes cyberspace and internet enabled devices magnify self-flagellation and hostility towards others. The “veil of anonymity” afforded to all online users is a contributing factor, which heightens the effects of ODDOR.
Using an internet enabled device, the realm of communication has taken the concept of “impersonal” and created an interpersonal digital illusion, which online users perceive as factual. The psychodynamics behind the “veil of anonymity” is a foreign jurisdiction to both human consciousness and Carl Jung’s concept of the “collective unconscious”. It has completely changed the hallmark rules of interpersonal relationships. Accepting this as reality is imperative to understanding ODDOR.
Communicating with a device as opposed to a real person seduces an online user to think they have free reign to behave in selfish, narcissistic ways. The disinhibition effect, which has been purported to influence an online user to be less courteous, is a factor relevant to ODDOR. Just as alcohol consumption causes people to behave differently, internet scientists believe time spent online has the same effects. The difference being alcohol is an outside agent brought into the body, whereas online usage causes changes in dopamine and serotonin levels in the brain. This writer feels scientific research will one day confirm that habitual ICT usage causes both short and long-term fluctuations in the neurochemistry of the brain and some of these changes will be permanent ones.
Although the ODDOR concept and the acronym itself focus on the state of distress, it also includes people who are overly optimistic, gullible or governed by blind faith in a religious dogma or ideology. It does not matter to an iPredator if their target’s offline world is filled with anxiety or blind faith so as long as their target is not practicing iPreservation (aka, 5PV Model). ODDOR hypothesizes that extremes in affective and cognitive functioning, positive or negative, can lead an online user to becoming an iPredator’s prime target.
Contributing to being susceptible to ODDOR is this writer’s belief that segments of Information Age humanity are progressively becoming disconnected and self-absorbed by ICT. ICT and “devices” are replacing real interpersonal relationships. It is much easier to reject or confront others, using ICT, as opposed to face-to-face interpersonal interactions. Since the birth of human civilization, humans have relied on their five senses to survive. With ICT, this sensory system reliance is becoming negligible at best. To date, our brain or society itself has yet to replace our five senses with other self-preservation systems. Until that time arrives, humanity is vulnerable to having to rely on our subjective processing systems to accurately interpret reality. From a self-preservation standpoint, personal interpretations of reality are a weak protection system and do not come close to replacing the five senses.
ODDOR lies on a continuum of severity. The less self-aware an online user is about ODDOR; the more susceptible they become to being targeted by an or take part in destructive and self-destructive online activities. It is clear that cyberspace is an abstract and artificial electronic universe. Unfortunately, the structures of ICT and cyberspace are a digital facsimile of the human brain. It is for this reason that ICT is so intoxicating. This writer posits that ICT, the brain and human consciousness itself are close to identical in structure, functioning, and influential properties.
Like reality, ICT is a “doubled edged sword” with equal amounts of benefits and detriments. ODDOR is the psychological manifestation of this “doubled edged sword”. With the passage of time, humanity will become more dependent upon ICT. Therefore, their ODDOR will be accentuated if ignorant of its existence or negligent of practicing online self-awareness. The number one psychological factor that accelerates ODDOR’s potential for harm is the state of isolation. When this writer uses this term, it is important to note the definition in relationship to ODDOR. Psychological loneliness is the most harmful feature of those who are discouraged, distressed, depressed and deviant. This writer’s definition of isolation is as follows:
Isolation (aka, Isolative): Isolation is the physical and psychological state of being physically alone or feeling lonely. In the physical realm, isolation represents the absence of social contact with others. The intrapsychic form of isolation is a perceptual distortion driven by a sense that one is not connected, part of or recognized by others. Interpreting reality as psychologically isolated does not require a person to be physically isolated. Given humans are social pack creatures; psychological isolation is far more debilitating than physical isolation.
ODDOR becomes problematic when psychological isolation is the primary accelerant, second only to ignorance of ODDOR’s existence. As it is posited that ODDOR occurs whether influenced by optimistic or fatalistic biases, psychological isolation operates only within the realm of fatalistic biases. Blind faith in religion, ideology or an overly trusting personality tends to drive optimistic biases. ICT exacerbates psychological isolation by providing information and forums for the “isolated mind” to venture.
Prior to the Information Age and for those without ICT, a human’s time spent dissociating from reality was managed by the mind. Imagination, fantasy, and non-pathological dissociation were human consciousness owned and operated. This writer being a disciple of Carl Jung believes that the majority of our conscious faculties spend most of its time engaged in states of dissociation. Please note that the term dissociation, in this context, has nothing to do with psychiatric illness. If anything, dissociation must have some relevance to self-preservation given the human mind spends so much time divorced from reality. Natural states of dissociation are the driving force to ODDOR.
The quickest way to explain the concept of dissociation is by providing an example of human behavior that happens to those who drives automobiles. This writer has yet to have someone report never experiencing this event when driving. When driving for an extended period, drivers usually wander off thinking about something other than paying attention to the road. For an undetermined period, the operator’s thoughts and attention are elsewhere as opposed to the full attention expected to drive. Not only is there no car accident, but a time distortion occurs leading the drive to notice they are closer to their destination.
How this is possible is because the brain operates in ways the waking conscious mind is not aware. This seeming mysterious event illustrates the complexities involved in the physical brain and human mind. Secondly, this feat of multi-task management demonstrates how the mind is a multi-functional wizard. This writer believes these same realms, within human consciousness, are equipped to communicate with cyberspace in mysterious ways.
“When eighty billion neurons and one trillion plus neuronal connections in the brain connect to the trillions of digital connections in ICT, the dance between organic and inorganic networks begins.“ Michael Nuccitelli, Psy.D. (2015)
Related to ODDOR, these same processes occur whiling using ICT. Just as this writer long drive dissociative state survey proves, a 100% agreement rate also occurs when asking online users if they ever experienced a distortion in time when online. The present dogma of saying focused attention on ICT is what causes this time distortion only applies to a small percentage of ICT interactions. These time distortions still occur when engaging in mundane tasks as well, which proves focused attention cannot always be the answer to this phenomenon. Although this writer has yet to understand what is occurring in the mind and ICT, something is apparently taking place. The concept of ODDER is the first step towards understanding what biological, psychological and digital mechanisms are involved presented in the Information Age.
ODDOR cannot be prevented, but it certainly can be addressed by first recognizing it exists in all online users. As stated above, ignorance of one’s ODDOR only increases an online user’s odds of being targeted by an iPredator. Ignorance of ODDOR, not only increases one’s chances of becoming a prime target, but also contributes to participating in self-destructive, destructive and high-risk online behaviors. From the Parent to the Pedophile, ODDOR is part of the human psyche for those who use Information and Communications Technology (ICT).
For those who develop an aptitude at assessing who is a prime target, ODDOR is like a beacon for the iPredator who possess iPredator Victim Intuition (IVI). ODDOR and IVI are intrapersonal dynamics new to Information Age humanity. Along with ODDOR, iPredator Victim Intuition (IVI) is also a sub-tenet of this writer’s iPredator construct. Provided here is this writer’s definition of iPredator Victim Intuition (IVI) and its parent construct definition, iPredator.
“Information and Communications Technology (ICT), social media and cyberspace itself has the uncanny ability to tap into our perceptual world and distort our interpretations of oneself and others. For those who experience gratitude, it benefits the human condition and community. For those who suffer wrath, anguish or ingratitude? Condemnation of self and society becomes the weapon. Offline Distress Dictates Online Response (ODDOR) is a phenomenon new to Information Age, human consciousness“. Michael Nuccitelli, Psy. D. (2011)
iPredator Victim Intuition (IVI)
iPredator Victim Intuition (IVI) is an iPredator construct sub-tenet reserved for seasoned online assailants. IVI is an iPredator’s aptitude to sense a target’s online vulnerabilities, weaknesses and technological limitations increasing their cyber attack success with minimal ramifications. Some iPredators develop an intuition for knowing what ICT user a successful target through practice will be, learning and observation of other iPredators. Although there are other factors iPredators use related to their IVI, it is still highly recommended to learn the about IVI to reduce an online user’s chance of becoming an iPredator target. Understanding, the basic tenets of IVI is not just compulsory for information security experts and internet safety educators, but to all online users.
Practice, trial and error, understanding of human behavior and knowledge of internet safety and information security practices is where an iPredator’s IVI acumen thrives. Just as a locksmith has expertise at unlocking locks, an iPredator has expertise choosing a target they have concluded will not lead to identification, apprehension and punishment. An iPredator’s IVI falls on a continuum of dexterity whereby there are iPredators who are IVI skilled and iPredators who are novices. Whether the iPredator is advanced or a novice in their IVI acumen, the fact that they engage in developing an IVI makes them a potentially dangerous ICT user. The concept of ODDOR is the bait in which an iPredator’s IVI skills are tested. The greater an online user’s ODDOR is, the less reliant on IVI an iPredator has to be when locating a prime target.
Children are particularly prone to ODDOR and engaging in high-risk online behaviors if they are discouraged, angry or feeling unaccepted by their peers and adult support systems. A child’s psychological status highly correlates with their online behaviors. Environmental conflicts, recent traumatic events or any other distressing events in the home or at school, cause a child to be susceptible to the grooming tactics of online sexual predators and a plethora of online forms of exploitation. Research has directly linked a child’s school and home environments to their online risk activities. Children are more susceptible than adults to becoming targets due to ODDOR due to developmental maturation.
Years of research have proven that pre-pubescence and adolescence are when a human being is most egocentric and peer affiliation dependent. For all children during these years, their levels of ODDOR are at their highest than any other time during the average lifespan. For children, ignorance of ODDOR and not addressing the issues of ODDOR by the child’s primary caregivers automatically places them in a high-risk category.
If a child or adult online user is not aware of their ODDOR, or that it even exists, then the iPredator’s IVI becomes less relied upon to identify a low-risk target successfully. Since the beginning of human civilization and for most living organisms, the predator and prey relationship has always been part of life. There has always been, and always will be, unsuccessful and successful predators. Conversely, there will always be favorable and unfavorable targets for the predator to choose from as they plan their assault. In the Information Age, human predators are grouped together in this writer’s global concept called iPredators. The iPredator uses ICT to locate and target a vulnerable online user with a favorable ODDOR cyber-attack estimate.
Online sexual predators, internet trolls, cyberstalkers and all iPredator derivatives benefit from ODDOR ignorance. An iPredator’s IVI includes two primary skills as follows:
- Their aptitude to sense a target’s ODDOR [Offline Distress Dictates Online Response].
- An ability to detect a target’s online & offline vulnerabilities, psychological weaknesses, and technological limitations.
When an iPredator is proficient at these skills, they increase their success of a cyber-attack with minimal ramifications. A quick list of iPredator & ODDOR management tips and the definition of iPredator are as follows:
“If not self-aware of one’s affective and cognitive states before and during the use of Information and Communications Technology (ICT), an online user is at risk for being targeted by an iPredator.” Michael Nuccitelli, Psy.D. (2015)
ODDOR Management Tips
- Be extra cautious when using ICT while in an altered state of consciousness typically caused by consumption of alcohol, illicit chemicals and prescription medication.
- Be extra cautious when using ICT during periods of extreme stress, depression and self-confidence.
- Exceptional online presence & online reputation management are essential conditions for success, economic survival and insulation from the adverse effects of ODDOR.
- Excellent online presence & reputation cannot be bought and boasting about accomplishments online is what iPredators conclude are reliable ODDOR indicators.
- Avoidance of disinformation disseminated by known or unknown adversaries is worse than ignorance of disinformation and tends to be fueled by ODDOR.
- Skepticism about information disseminated online without support from reputable sources is rarely practiced by high-level ODDOR online users.
- Negative online information is infinite and cannot be deleted, which is an integral concept relevant to ODDOR management.
- A general understanding and awareness of the dark aspects of human behavior is compulsory for Information Age citizens for ODDOR management.
- Information Age social cause support, participation, and contributions have enormous benefits (online and offline) to disinformation insulation and ODDOR management.
- Carl Jung’s concepts of mythology & fantasy drive all cognitive, perceptual, behavioral and affective processes in the human mind.
- Deception, disconnectedness & social apathy are hallmark ODDOR attributes of both the iPredator & iPredator target.
- Trust, respect & reliability are invaluable human Information Age traits, which should always be honored and never questioned.
- An internet safety and information security expert’s contact information is always included in the proverbial emergency contact list.
Michael Nuccitelli, Psy.D.
Michael Nuccitelli, Psy.D. is a NYS licensed psychologist, cyberpsychology researcher and online safety educator. In 2009, Dr. Nuccitelli finalized his dark side of cyberspace concept called iPredator. Since 2010, he has advised those seeking information about cyberbullying, cyberstalking, cybercriminal minds, internet addiction and his Dark Psychology concept. By day Dr. Nuccitelli is a practicing psychologist, clinical supervisor and owner of MN Psychological Services, PLLC. After work and on the weekends, he volunteers helping online users who have been cyber-attacked. Dr. Nuccitelli’s is always available to interested parties and the media at no cost. This website and everything created by Dr. Nuccitelli is educational, free and public domain.