iPredator Cyber-Attack Risk Assessments

iPredator Cyber-Attack Risk Assessments


Dr. Nuccitelli’s cyber-attack risk assessments have been formatted and designed to work as data collection, assessment, educational and internet safety monitoring tools. Of the thirty one checklists & inventories, the IISC tools (thirteen checklists & one interview) are formatted for verification and initial screening for internet safety, cyber-attack preparedness and information technology weaknesses. The IPI tools (twelve inventories) are designed for inquiry, open discussion and inspection of internet safety, cyber-attack preparedness and information technology vulnerabilities. The additional five checklists address internet addiction, online psychopaths, predatory trolls, cyber deception and internet safety.

Dr. Nuccitelli specifically designed them for the primary purpose of being used as data collection and education tools. Although he spent an enormous amount of time in their development and confident of their diagnostic capacities, he did not run them through clinical trials or validity examinations as commonly conducted with psychometric testing instruments.

Dr. Nuccitelli does not falsely claim that any of his checklists or inventories are psychometric instruments with extensive reliability & validity. However, he is confident they were thoroughly researched and designed. These assessments are useful tools for information security professionals, cyberpsychologists, educators, legal professionals, law enforcement, behavioral healthcare providers, online users and primary caregivers. The thirty one risk assessments listed below are formatted as seen in Google and other search engines. If you prefer not to print this blog post, feel free to download the PDF here:


IISC Tools

I. iPredator Adult Internet Safety Checklist (AISC)
Visit the iPredator internet safety website to download, at no cost, Dr. Nuccitelli’s “iPredator Adult Internet Safety Checklist (AISC)”.

II. iPredator Business Internet Safety Checklist (BISC)
Visit the iPredator internet safety website to download, at no cost, Dr. Nuccitelli’s “iPredator Business Internet Safety Checklist (BISC)”.

III. iPredator Cyberbully Abuser Checklist (CBAC)
Visit the iPredator internet safety website to download, at no cost, Dr. Nuccitelli’s “iPredator Cyberbully Abuser Checklist (CBAC)”.

IV. iPredator Cyberbully Target Checklist (CBTC)
Visit the iPredator internet safety website to download, at no cost, Dr. Nuccitelli’s “iPredator Cyberbully Target Checklist (CBTC)”.

V. iPredator Cybercrime Protection Checklist (CCPC)
Visit the iPredator internet safety website to download, at no cost, Dr. Nuccitelli’s “iPredator Cybercrime Protection Checklist (CCPC)”.

VI. iPredator Cyberstalker Identification Interview (CSII)
Visit the iPredator website to download, at no cost, Dr. Nuccitelli’s “iPredator Cyberstalker Identification Interview (CSII)”.

VII. iPredator Cyberstalking Prevention Checklist (CSPC)
Visit the iPredator internet safety website to download, at no cost, Dr. Nuccitelli’s “iPredator Cyberstalking Prevention Checklist (CSPC)”.

VIII. iPredator Digital Reputation Protection Checklist (DRPC)
Visit the iPredator online safety website to download, at no cost, Dr. Nuccitelli’s “Digital Reputation Protection Checklist (DRPC)”.

IX. iPredator Educator Internet Safety Checklist (EISC)
Visit the iPredator website to download, at no cost, Dr. Nuccitelli’s “iPredator Educator Internet Safety Checklist (EISC)”.

X. iPredator Internet Safety Checklist Psychologist (ISCP)
Visit the iPredator cyberpsychology website to download, at no cost, Dr. Nuccitelli’s “Internet Safety Checklist Psychologist (ISCP)”.

XI. iPredator Online Predator Prevention Checklist (OPPC)
Visit the iPredator website to download, at no cost, Dr. Nuccitelli’s “iPredator Online Predator Prevention Checklist (OPPC)”.

XII. iPredator Parent Cyber Safety Checklist (PCSC)
Visit the iPredator internet safety website to download, at no cost, Dr. Nuccitelli’s “iPredator Parent Cyber Safety Checklist (PCSC)”.

XIII. iPredator Pediatric Internet Safety Checklist (PISC)
Visit the iPredator website to download, at no cost, Dr. Nuccitelli’s “Pediatric Internet Safety Checklist (PISC)”.

XIV. iPredator Teen Internet Safety Checklist (TISC)
Visit the iPredator internet safety website to download, at no cost, Dr. Nuccitelli’s “iPredator Teen Internet Safety Checklist (TISC)”.

IPI Tools

I. iPredator Probability Inventory – Adult (IPI-A)
Visit the iPredator website to download, at no cost, Dr. Nuccitelli’s educational “iPredator Probability Inventory – Adult (IPI-A)”.

II. iPredator Probability Inventory – Business (IPI-B)
Visit the iPredator website to download, at no cost, Dr. Nuccitelli’s educational “iPredator Probability Inventory – Business (IPI-B)”.

III. iPredator Probability Inventory – Cyberbully (IPI-CB)
Visit the iPredator website to download, at no cost, Dr. Nuccitelli’s educational “iPredator Probability Inventory – Cyberbully (IPI-CB)”.

IV. iPredator Probability Inventory – Cybercrime (IPI-C)
Visit the iPredator website to download, at no cost, Dr. Nuccitelli’s educational “iPredator Probability Inventory – Cybercrime (IPI-C)”.

V. iPredator Probability Inventory – Cyberbully Abuser (IPI-CBA)
Visit the iPredator website to download, at no cost, Dr. Nuccitelli’s “iPredator Probability Inventory – Cyberbully Abuser (IPI-CBA)”.

VI. iPredator Probability Inventory – Cyberstalking (IPI-CS)
Visit the iPredator website to download, at no cost, Dr. Nuccitelli’s “iPredator Probability Inventory – Cyberstalking (IPI-CS)”.

VII. iPredator Probability Inventory – Educator (IPI-E)
Visit the iPredator internet safety website to download, at no cost, Dr. Nuccitelli’s “iPredator Probability Inventory – Educator (IPI-E)”.

VIII. iPredator Probability Inventory – Internet Predator (IPI-IP)
Visit iPredator to download, at no cost, Dr. Nuccitelli’s “iPredator Probability Inventory -Internet Predator (IPI-IP)”.

IX. iPredator Probability Inventory – Pediatric (IPI-P)
Visit the iPredator internet safety website to download, at no cost, Dr. Nuccitelli’s “iPredator Probability Inventory – Pediatric (IPI-P)”.

X. iPredator Probability Inventory – Psychologist (IPI-PSY)
Visit the iPredator website to download, at no cost, Dr. Nuccitelli’s “iPredator Probability Inventory – Psychologist (IPI-PSY)”.

XI. iPredator Probability Inventory – Teen (IPI-T)
Visit the iPredator internet safety website to download, at no cost, Dr. Nuccitelli’s “iPredator Probability Inventory – Teen (IPI-T)”.

XII. iPredator Probability Inventory – 330 (IPI-330)
Visit iPredator to download, at no cost, Dr. Nuccitelli’s educational “iPredator Probability Inventory – 330 (IPI-330)”.

Additional Risk Assessments

I. iPredator Bridge Cyber Deception Checklist (IBCDC)
Visit the iPredator website to print, at no cost, the free cyber deception checklist with 50 online deception warning signs.

II. Cyber Attack Prevention: Master Internet Safety Checklist (MISC)
Visit the iPredator online safety website to print the 220-item cyber-attack prevention & master internet safety checklist.

III. Internet Addiction Risk Checklist (IARC)
Visit Dr. Nuccitelli’s iPredator website to review or print his free educational internet addiction risk checklist called the IARC.

IV. iPredator Online Psychopathy Checklist (IOPC)
Visit iPredator to review or print, at no cost, Dr. Nuccitelli’s online psychopaths concept and the online psychopathy checklist.

V. iPredator Predatory Troll Checklist (IPTC)
Visit the iPredator website to learn about and download a free copy of the iPredator Predatory Troll Checklist (IPTC) by Dr. Nuccitelli.


Michael Nuccitelli, Psy.D.

Michael Nuccitelli, Psy.D. is a NYS licensed psychologist, cyberpsychology researcher and online safety educator. In 2009, Dr. Nuccitelli finalized his dark side of cyberspace concept called iPredator. Since 2010, he has advised those seeking information about cyberbullying, cyberstalking, cybercriminal minds, internet addiction and his Dark Psychology concept. By day Dr. Nuccitelli is a practicing psychologist, clinical supervisor and owner of MN Psychological Services, PLLC. After work and on the weekends, he volunteers helping online users who have been cyber-attacked. Dr. Nuccitelli’s is always available to interested parties and the media at no cost. This website and everything created by Dr. Nuccitelli is free and public domain.

Michael Nuccitelli, Psy.D.
Phone: 347-871-2416
Email: [email protected]
Website: iPredator
X: @TheiPredator
Facebook Page: The iPredator
Instagram: @drnucc
LinkedIn: Michael Nuccitelli, Psy.D.



I Stand with Israel – Social Media Poison & Antisemitism


I Stand with Israel

Social Media Poison & Antisemitism


Michael Nuccitelli, Psy.D.

October 20, 2023


On October 7, 2023, a small piece of humanity died both physically and spiritually. As a clinical psychologist, I have spent a good portion of my life learning about human behavior, criminal psychology, and the dark side of human consciousness. I never imagined I would witness abject evil in my lifetime. 9/11 was horrific but pales in comparison to what happened in Israel. At the time of writing this post, there is a small segment of the population that has been manipulated by what they have seen, heard, and read via social media. We are witnessing how social media has become a dangerous weapon. A prime example of this is watching people tear down the posters of the missing hostages. What type of person would go out of their way to do this? They are not activists, and their actions can be best described as deplorable & pathetic. It may not be illegal, but it is most certainly psychopathic and vicious.

Israel suffered a horrific terrorist attack like the United States did on 9/11. October 7, 2023, has been equated to America’s 9/11 and Pearl Harbor. 1200 men, women and children were brutally murdered, raped, and tortured. 240 hostages are still missing. Israel is being accused of genocide as they seek justice and search for the missing. Americans not only died but are among the missing. The ignorant and angry are protesting without a word about the terrorist attack on Israel. Those who do recognize the attack define it as justified.

Social media has become the main source of information for a growing segment of society. Many young people believe what they see and hear on social media without question. Whether it be artificial intelligence or an orchestrated disinformation campaign, social media is an enemy of Israel. As the Information Age evolves, social media will need to be examined. One of my greatest concerns is that the sanctioning of this mass murder will encourage those living in the United States to do the same. I have a strong suspicion that there will be another terrorist and/or cyber terrorist attack on American soil in the not-too-distant future. Today it is Israel and tomorrow it is?

Social media has the capacity to victimize children when it’s cyberbullying and cyberstalking & cyber harassment when it’s adults. Social media now has Israel in its crosshairs. Artificial intelligence and nefarious entities will continue to use social media to manipulate the masses with enormous success. The protests vilifying Israel and the explosion of antisemitism are perfect examples of social media’s capacity to create mass hysteria and to manipulate the uninformed. Social media & the internet have the unique capacity to skew an online user’s perceptions. It is guaranteed that Jewish students will be voraciously cyberbullied, cyberstalked and internet trolled.

If one takes the time to learn about WWII, the holocaust, antisemitism, and the history of the Middle East; it will become clear why Israel is fighting for its very existence. A day will come when it will be proven that the Palestinians wanted Hamas gone. The Palestinians are not Hamas but are unfortunately being used by them for their own malevolent devices. It pains me to watch young Americans and the easily manipulated to be fooled. Social media, disinformation and online deception are the favorite tools used by iPredators and cyber terrorists. Currently, Israel & Jews are the victims.

Pasted below are images I’ve created that have been and will be posted throughout my social accounts. They are public domain and free to share and save. Forgive my novice graphic design skills but it is my attempt to support Israel. As a cyberpsychologist who created the iPredator concept over a decade ago and continues to learn about the power of social media, I can safely say that many, many online users both young and old have been seduced by evil. Whether you subscribe to the religious concept of evil or view it as a psychopathic manifestation of the human condition like I do; October 7, 2023, was the day that evil attacked Israel. Social media, the dark side of cyberspace and cyberterrorism are here to stay.

Screams Before Silence Documentary

















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Michael Nuccitelli, Psy.D.

Michael Nuccitelli, Psy.D. is a NYS licensed psychologist, cyberpsychologist and online safety educator. In 2009, Dr. Nuccitelli finalized his dark side of cyberspace concept called iPredator. Since 2010, he has advised those seeking information about cyberbullying, cyberstalking, cybercriminal minds, internet addiction and his Dark Psychology concept. By day Dr. Nuccitelli is a practicing psychologist, clinical supervisor and owner of MN Psychological Services, PLLC. After work and on the weekends, he volunteers helping online users who have been cyber-attacked. Dr. Nuccitelli’s is always available to interested parties and the media at no cost. This website and everything created by Dr. Nuccitelli is educational, free and public domain.








Matthew Berdyck – A Prime Predatory Troll Example


Matthew Berdyck

A Prime Predatory Troll Example

(Authored October 6, 2022 and Published December 7, 2022)

Mr. Matthew Berdyck is an online user I have never met, spoken to, or corresponded with. I’ve never mentioned his name in online content, nor have I attempted to disinform online users about him. However, Matthew Berdyck is the central character in a new documentary titled, “Social Media Monster”. Created by Peter John Ross, Social Media Monster educates viewers about internet trolls. Mr. Berdyck is the alleged online troll in this documentary. The reason for cyber-attacking me was because I retweeted the YouTube documentary trailer. Based on Mr. Berdyck’s threats of attacking my career as a psychologist, I thought it best to document his malevolent online activities. 

This blog post serves a two-fold purpose. The primary reason is to protect my license to practice in case he or those connected to him report bogus ethical violations to my state licensing boards. The secondary purpose is to illustrate how predatory trolls exploit all aspects of their target’s life. Other than having a private viewing of Social Media Monster, I know nothing about Mr. Berdyck.

Sent to me by an online safety educator is an October 3, 2022, audio clip by Mr. Berdyck. Within 15 seconds of whoever he is speaking to; he states that I am announcing he is on the verge of “snapping“, and he is a mass murderer. Before this post, I had never written about him or mentioned him in any online or offline forums. If you’d like to hear his bizarre allegations, click this audio file button. This is Mr. Berdyck in his own words.

matthew-berdyck-predatory-troll-audio file-button

A true example of Mr. Berdyck’s state of mind and psychological functioning can be summed up in this video clip from a court appearance on November 8, 2022. You will see and hear how a predatory troll threatens those he does not respect.

As the creator of the iPredator concept, Mr. Berdyck meets all three criteria to be defined as an iPredator. The three criteria are as follows:

  • A self-awareness of causing harm to others, directly or indirectly, using ICT.
  • The usage of ICT to obtain, tamper with, exchange and deliver harmful information.
  • A general understanding of cyberstealth used to engage in criminal or deceptive activities or to profile, locate, stalk, and engage a target.

Social Media Monster

Social Media Monster is an important film because it addresses the growth of online assailants and how little is being done to hold what I call iPredators accountable.  Although I do not know this man, he rants in video conversations with himself alleging I have launched a disinformation and character assassination campaign against him.

Pasted below are a few of his threatening emails sent to me. In addition to his ridiculous allegations, Mr. Berdyck states that he is reporting to the state authorities that I am engaging in unethical and unprofessional activities by endorsing the documentary. It has come to my attention that recent cyber-attacks are because I recommended Ross, the Social Media Monster creator, to appear on the Causing the Effect Podcast.

Not only are his allegations preposterous but he resurrected the defamatory content from back when I was trolled from 2014-2017. I must assume he posted all that nonsense before he read my Troll Triad concept. At the time of writing this blog post it has been eight years since seeing the nonsensical Troll Triad content. Shadow Troll, Troll Triad, Media iPredators and LNM Trolls were all authored between 2014-2017. Despite some years having passed, these pages are still live because they are just as relevant today as they were then. In fact, Mr. Berdyck is engaging in many of the same disinformation and character assassination tactics as they did years ago. I kept these pages active because they are more relevant now given the growth of what I call the predatory troll.

Having never met or performed a psychological assessment on Mr. Berdyck, I cannot offer a diagnosis. However, his online actions have validated that he is both an iPredator and predatory troll. The definition of a predatory troll is as follows:

9-20-24 Addendum: The documentary “Social Media Monster” is currently available to watch at no cost on YouTube. Click on the title to watch now.



Predatory Troll

Predatory Trolls: Predatory trolls are a new breed of internet troll that evolved from the classic troll. They are online users who both choose online users randomly and intentionally. Just like classic trolls, predatory trolls can be ex-work associates, ex-partners and loved ones. They may also be unknown online users. Predatory trolls may target others alone, but increasingly work in groups (aka, Troll Triad). Like all trolls, predatory trolls are driven by needs for power, recognition, peer acceptance and control.

Different from classic trolls is that their primary goal is to destroy an online user’s reputation, online presence and trustworthiness. With the advancement of Information and Communications Technology (ICT), predatory trolls may be employed by groups and governments in covert operations to destroy a target’s reputation.

Predatory trolls seek to destroy their target’s reputation and the reputation of their family members, children, careers and loved ones. They always engage in defamation, slander, libel, disinformation campaigns and criminal defamation. All predatory trolls meet criteria for either iPredator or iPredator Bridge and are skilled in Cyberstealth. As the Information Age advances, predatory trolls will become increasingly problematic to all aspects of society.

Many predatory trolls disguise their character assassination tactics and disinformation campaigns by claiming they are activists, whistleblowers and prosocial.”  Michael Nuccitelli, Psy.D. (2016)

Pasted here are seven exhibits and predatory troll examples involving Mr. Berdyck. They are four emails, a comment attached to one of his Twitter video monologues, an Instagram direct message to me and a blog post he authored. He will assuredly deny being the author, so I saved all of them if proof is requested. 

Predatory Troll Email Exhibit One

This first example is a prime predatory troll tactic. His message is addressed to Magistrate Griffin who I think may have been the Magistrate who heard a cyberstalking protection order case against Mr. Berdyck. He carbon-copied (cc) his email so that it would be sent to our MN Psychological Services, PLLC group practice email address. Mr. Berdyck was informing my associates and I that he reported me to my state licensing board for ethical violations. Please note that I simply retweeted the Social Media Monster YouTube trailer.     

On Sat, Jul 2, 2022 at 10:10 AM Matthew Berdyck <[email protected]> wrote:

Magistrate Griffin,

This is Dr. Nuccitelli, a psychologist from New York who I’ve never met or spoken with, who did not witness the court case, but is aware I’m at risk of suicide and that Peter’s film is a scam.
The doctor continually supports Peter and had indicated that he wants me to commit suicide and that he supports Peter’s efforts, including all the emails of slit throats, severed heads, threats of cannibalism, and threats to murder my mother.
The Dr. has celebrated Peter’s efforts to bully me until I commit suicide, even though you witnessed 8 hours of what Peter is really up to.
Even though the doctor is aware he’s been reported to the New York State licensing board, for attempting to diagnose and for encouraging suicide, he does not stop supporting Peter, and aide him in slowly torturing me until I finally take my own life.

Predatory Troll Email Exhibit Two

From: Matthew Berdyck <[email protected]>

Sent: Sunday, October 2, 2022 1:53 AM

To: [email protected] <[email protected]>; Michael Nuccitelli, Psy.D. <[email protected]>

Subject: Mass Murder and Fame


I want to remind both of you that I have civil rights and civil laws which protect me from your aggressive public attacks on my name and reputation.

  1. I do not want to be famous.
  2. I am, in fact, an ongoing anonymous source for New York Times, for military leaks, via the National Guard.
  3. Because of my work with New York Times it caused me to become affiliated with the NYC Terrorism Unit, last year. I’m going to have them reach out to both of you because not only do you claim I’m going to commit a murder or a terrorism incident, you both also keep publicly bullying me, ostensibly trying to trigger the mass murder you claim I’m going to commit.  It’s clear that you believe I’m a mass murderer and you’re acting in a way, according to your own logic, to cause me to snap and start slaughtering people. I think the terrorist unit needs to be aware of residents of New York who are making a self admitted attempt to bully a person into killing innocent people.  For that both of you deserve to be investigated and identified as a threat to the people of New York for making a concerted effort to cause a mass murder.

Predatory Troll Email Exhibit Three

On Sunday, October 2, 2022, Matthew Berdyck <[email protected]> wrote:

Subject: Mass Murder and Fame

I’m the founder of ToxicWasteSites.org and if both of you don’t get the fuck out of my life and activism I’m going to mercilessly destroy you.

Here is a statement.  If both of you don’t walk away, I’m going to make a much, much stronger version of this and fucking devour you whole.

You will not cause harm to my causes or I will slaughter both of you publicly, with campaigns.

I travel.  New York is not far.

This is the only warning you get.

Ross is not the target.  You are.

Predatory Troll Email Exhibit Four

From: Vincent Valentine <[email protected]>Sent: Sunday, October 2, 2022 8:14 PMCc: [email protected] <[email protected]>; Michael Nuccitelli, Psy.D. <[email protected]>Subject: Actual Malice

I can sue the shit out of both of you, right now.

The facts are that I do not want to be famous, I am who I say I am, both of you are more aware that I’m activist, journalist, and filmmaker, and neither one of you have any right to diagnose or make declarative statements about my mental health, especially Dr. ImAPredator, who has basically diagnosed me, made libelous statements that I’m going to commit a murder, and has engaged in a legal concept called negligent endorsement.

Both of you aware I have a job, that I support all of my children and grandchildren, and that based on the ways you’re aiding and enabling Ross, that you have reached into the area of conspiracy against rights by targeting ToxicWasteSites.org.

I’m not playing when I say that if you don’t get out of my life I’m going to wipe you out.  The court ruling dated August 19th clearly states that I am who I say I  am, that I did get famous, and that I was directly involved in blowing the whistle on Flint, undeniably.

Under deposition you’d be forced to admit that you never witnessed my activism career, that all activists do not get media, that you’d have no basis for your false claims about what I did in Flint, that neither of you have ever met me, and that you’re aware Ross is a pathological liar.

I do have PTSD, your actions are inflicting severe emotional distress.

I suggest you start really listening because I take the health and safety of American citizens very seriously and if you’re going to smear my name, you become inhuman collateral damage, and I don’t care if someone kills you if it saves a million lives from your unwarranted attacks.

Maybe you can’t process that but millions of people are simply more important than your life.  You get in bed with Ross, you’re the enemy, and you lose my empathy and sympathy.

I’m a militant activist.  Period.  It’s people like you that have taken me from a peaceful guy to turning me into a vicious animal who will devour anyone who gets in my way.


Would you feel empathy for environmental Adolf Hitler?


So this is your last warning. Get the fuck out of my life and cased and if you don’t, that’s your personal invitation to me that you want a fight.

Predatory Troll Caption Exhibit Five

matthew-berdyck-predatory-troll-exhibit five

This @TheiPredator guy is in for a big surprise. The New York state psych board is opening an investigation into him, over alleged ethical violations.

Predatory Troll Instagram Message Exhibit Six

If you’ve convinced yourself you’re not being sued and can’t be held liable, I look forward to dragging you into a California Superior court, where personal jurisdiction exists.

The only way to deal with a predator like you is to sink the allegations into court records.

Based on your expertise, you couldn’t argue you weren’t aware of your actions and extreme and malicious infliction of emotional distress.

Matthew Berdyck’s Blog Post – Exhibit Seven

Based on his content with two of them having the subject being “Mass Murder and Fame”, I felt it necessary to file a police report. As mentioned above, I have never spoken to Mr. Berdyck nor mentioned his name in any of my educational materials. I was not going to mention his name in the title of this blog post but included it after I read his bizarre blog post. 

Just as I did with the Troll Triad and the Shadow Troll, it is necessary to document being targeted. Like the Troll Triad did years ago, Mr. Berdyck may in fact contact state authorities offering preposterous allegations. This blog post was authored to protect my reputation and professionalism. This post also serves as an educational tool to illustrate how predatory trolls attempt to destroy their target’s reputation and livelihood.

Matthew Berdyck is but one of thousands of predatory trolls infesting the internet. Predatory trolls target online users from all levels of society. Unfortunately, little can be done to force them to stop their cyber-attacks at this time Some predatory trolls suffer from a mental illness, some are internet addicted, some are online psychopaths, and some are just mean people. For the time being, documenting their attacks is the only course of action.

The unseen benefit to his cyber-attacks is the same as the Troll Triad. His episodes of targeting me and my associates validate the concepts of iPredator and predatory trolls. I hope Mr. Berdyck will stop his online antics, but I think they will continue in both quantity and vitriol. Like most predatory trolls, he will justify his defamatory campaigns as proper because he is an activist, whistleblower and/or victim.

Causing the Effect Webcast


Causing the Effect Podcast 

Causing the Effect Podcast (Part II)


Michael Nuccitelli, Psy.D.

Michael Nuccitelli, Psy.D. is a NYS licensed psychologist, cyberpsychologist and online safety educator. In 2009, Dr. Nuccitelli finalized his dark side of cyberspace concept called iPredator. Since 2010, he has advised those seeking information about cyberbullying, cyberstalking, cybercriminal minds, internet addiction and his Dark Psychology concept. By day Dr. Nuccitelli is a practicing psychologist, clinical supervisor and owner of MN Psychological Services, PLLC. After work and on the weekends, he volunteers helping online users who have been cyber-attacked. Dr. Nuccitelli’s is always available to interested parties and the media at no cost. This website and everything created by Dr. Nuccitelli is educational, free and public domain.



Examples of Cyberbullying Images – iPredator


Educational Examples of Cyberbullying Images
by Michael Nuccitelli, Psy.D.


Examples of cyberbullying describe the variety of techniques cyberbullies use to taunt, threaten, humiliate and deprecate their target. The primary goal for the reader is to become familiar with the strategies children use to mistreat other children.

Many of these tactics are also made use of by adult online users engaged in cyber harassment, cyberstalking and predatory trolling. As humanity increasingly becomes dependent upon mobile device technology, virtual reality and artificial intelligence; the range and complexity of cyber-attacks will assuredly grow.

Provided are examples of cyberbullying in image form. As with all the content on this website, they are free to download, share and use for informational and educational purposes. All images are 1080×1080 compressed JPEG files 


Using Information and Communication Technology (ICT), cyberbullying is recurrent and sustained threats and taunts by one or more children towards another child who is unable or unwilling to deescalate the engagement. Cyberbullying is harmful, repeated and hostile behavior intended to deprecate a targeted minor.

Cyberbullying describes threatening or disparaging communications delivered through ICT. Whereas classic bullying typically involves face-to-face interactions and non-digital forms of communication, cyberbullying consists of information exchanged via ICT and may never involve face-to-face encounters.

Examples of Cyberbullying Images

Bash Boards: Defamatory content a cyberbully posts in chat rooms, online forums and message boards.


BlogoBullying: A cyberbully creates a blog and then makes their target the central character and topic of defamatory posts.


Cyberbullying by Proxy: Using deception, encouragement or manipulation; a cyberbully persuades other online users to harass their target.


Cyberstalking: When a cyberbully uses intimidation and persistent taunting that frightens their target


Cyber Drama: When a cyberbully posts melodramatic content to alarm or defame their target.


Cyber Harassment: When a cyberbully repeatedly contacts and sends defamatory messages to their target.


Cyber Threats: When a cyberbully falsely implies their target is in danger from unknown or nefarious assailants, which causes the target distress.


Denigration: When a cyberbully sends or publishes cruel rumors, gossip and false assertions about a target; trying to damage their reputation or friendships.


Digital Piracy Inclusion: When a cyberbully persuades their target to engage in illegal digital piracy and then reports them to the authorities, their parents or educators.


eIntimidation: A colloquial expression that describes when a cyberbully attempts to control their target using emails to manipulate them.


Exclusion: When a cyberbully informs their target that they are not invited to a social activity that other peers will be attending.


Exposure: Using social media, a cyberbully posts private communications, images or video about their target that is private and embarrassing.


Flaming: Using social media, a cyberbully provokes an argument with their target that includes profane and vulgar terminology.


Griefing: When a cyberbully frequents online gaming environments and frustrates their target by intentionally not following the rules.


Happy Slapping: While the target is physically attacked and simultaneously recorded; the images and video are posted online by the cyberbully.


Impersonation: The cyberbully mimics their target and posts defamatory comments on social networking sites and in chat rooms.


Instant Messaging Attacks: Using an instant messaging account, the cyberbully bombards the target with harassing and threatening text messages.


Interactive Gaming Harassment: Having the ability to exchange information with online gaming opponents; cyberbullies verbally abuse their targets and lock them out of games.


Malicious Code Dissemination: When a cyberbully sends malicious information like viruses, malware, spyware and ransomware to their target.


Micro-Visual Bullying: When a cyberbully creates and posts short videos to character assassinate their target.


Mobile Device Image Sharing: When a cyberbully sends sexually suggestive or embarrassing images of the target to peer mobile devices.


Non-Consensual Multimedia Bullying: The target does not know that embarrassing content is being disseminated by the cyberbully using various media formats.


Password Theft & Lockout: After a cyberbully steals & changes their target’s password, they impersonate them online and lock them out of their account.


Phishing: A cyberbully manipulates their target into revealing financial information and then purchases unauthorized items with their credit cards.


Porn & Marketing List Insertion: Using confidential online sign-up forms, the cyberbully signs their target up to multiple pornography and junk lists.


Pseudonym Stealth: Cyberbullies secretly change their online usernames and begin to taunt, tease and humiliate their target while hiding their identity.


Screen Name Mirroring: Similar to impersonation, the cyberbully uses screen names almost identical to the target and then posts provocative content.


Sexting: The cyberbully text messages sexually themed information about their target that is embarrassing and hurtful.


Sextortion: Using threats of revealing sexually themed content about their target, the cyberbully extorts them in exchange for not revealing the information.


Slut Shaming: The cyberbully records sexually suggestive images or videos of their target and distributes them throughout their school and online.


Social Media Bullying: The cyberbully persuades the target to include them in their “friends” or “buddy” lists, and then contacts their followers with derisive information.


Text Wars and Text Attacks: The cyberbully and accomplices engage their target in a series of provocative text messages using a cellular phone service.


Tragedy News Mirroring: The cyberbully announces that their target is planning to engage in a violent activity soon after a similar regional or national tragedy.


Trickery: The target is mistakenly led to believe that the sensitive information they share with the cyberbully will not be used for nefarious reasons.


Trolling: The cyberbully repeatedly taunts their target across multiple online environments ranging from online gaming to chat rooms.


Voting & Polling Booth Bullying: The cyberbully creates web pages that allow others to vote for categories deemed highly embarrassing to their target.


Warning Wars: The cyberbully makes frequent false allegations to an ISP seeking their target’s profile or account to be suspended.

Web Page Assassination: The cyberbully designs, and then posts web pages specifically intended to insult the target, their peers or loved ones.


VLE Bullying: In Virtual Learning Environments (VLE), cyberbullies use VLE message boards, chat rooms and instant messaging functions to ridicule their target.


Virtual World Bullying: Using their avatar in 3D websites and virtual worlds, the cyberbully taunts and teases their target by using their avatar as the assailant or provocateur.


X Pooping (Formally Twitter): The cyberbully repeatedly tweets harmful and provocative insults about the target using current “net lingo” terms.


YouTube Channeling: The cyberbully makes their target the principal character in a YouTube channel and publishes denigrating and disinformation-themed videos.


Michael Nuccitelli, Psy.D.

Michael Nuccitelli, Psy.D. is a NYS licensed psychologist, cyberpsychologist and online safety educator. In 2009, Dr. Nuccitelli finalized his dark side of cyberspace concept called iPredator. Since 2010, he has advised those seeking information about cyberbullying, cyberstalking, cybercriminal minds, internet addiction and his Dark Psychology concept. By day Dr. Nuccitelli is a practicing psychologist, clinical supervisor and owner of MN Psychological Services, PLLC. After work and on the weekends, he volunteers helping online users who have been cyber-attacked. Dr. Nuccitelli’s is always available to interested parties and the media at no cost. This website and everything created by Dr. Nuccitelli is educational, free and public domain.






Michael Nuccitelli, Psy.D. Thanks Action Against Stalking


Michael Nuccitelli, Psy.D.


Action Against Stalking

This writer would like to thank Action Against Stalking (AAS) for the opportunity to educate online users about stalking, cyberstalking and his iPredator concept. Pasted below is their YouTube discussion. AAS is the premiere organization for addressing stalking, online stalking and victimization. In addition to education, their help and support to victims is exceptional. Not only should there be a Centre for Action Against Stalking throughout Europe but in every county of the United States. I am honored to be involved with this organization. Provided here is our educational session hosted on YouTube. Also provided are this writer’s iPredator and cyberstalking definitions.

I’d like to give a special thanks to the professionals who participated in our educational discussion and work tirelessly to help the victims of stalking and cyberstalking.

  • Ann Moulds, Action Against Stalking Founder and CEO
  • Amanda Morrison, Throughcare Practitioner
  • Gin Lowdean, Throughcare Service Manager
  • Richard Fodor, Community Engagement and Communications Officer


Cyberstalking Definition

Cyberstalking is the use of Information and Communications Technology (ICT) to stalk, control, manipulate or habitually threaten a child, adult, business or group. Cyberstalking is both a tactic used by an ICT assailant and typology of pathological ICT user. Cyberstalking tactics include false accusations, threats of harm, habitual monitoring, surveillance, implied threats, identity theft, damage to property and gathering information to manipulate and control their target.

To meet the criteria of cyber stalking, the information and tactics used must involve a credible or implied physical and psychological threat to the target. These threats cause the target to become frightened.

An example of physical threat involves bodily harm to the target or their loved ones using ICT. Examples of psychological threats involve using disparagement, humiliation, disinformation dissemination and environmental damage to the target’s reputation, credibility or financial status if the target does not acquiesce to the cyber stalker’s demands.

Action Against Stalking Website


iPredator Definition

iPredator: iPredator is a person, group, or nation who, directly or indirectly, engages in exploitation, victimization, coercion, stalking, theft, or disparagement of others using Information and Communications Technology (ICT). iPredators are driven by deviant fantasies, desires for power, control, and retribution, religious fanaticism, political reprisal, psychiatric illness, perceptual distortions, peer acceptance, or personal and financial gain. They can be any age or gender and are not bound by economic status, race, religion, or national heritage. Their sole requirement to get started in this dark dimension is an internet connection.

Central to the concept is the premise that information age criminals, deviants, and the violently disturbed are psychopathological classifications new to humanity. Whether the offender is a cyberbully, cyberstalker, cyber harasser, cybercriminal, online sexual predator, cyberterrorist, internet troll, online child pornography consumer/distributor, or a person engaged in internet defamation or nefarious online deception, they fall within the scope of iPredator. The three criteria used to define an iPredator include:

  • A self-awareness of causing harm to others, directly or indirectly, using ICT.
  • The usage of ICT to obtain, tamper with, exchange and deliver harmful information.
  • A general understanding of cyberstealth used to engage in criminal or deviant activities or to profile, locate, stalk, and engage a target.

Unlike human predators prior to the information age, iPredators rely on the multitude of benefits offered by ICT. The primary differentiators of this very modern kind of predation are also threefold: the unlimited distance over which data can be conveyed, the immediacy with which the data can be conveyed, and the unlimited scope of data that can be conveyed. The importance of these three vectors of capability cannot be overstated. In pre-information age societies, by contrast, a predator’s malicious activity was local, slow-moving, and technologically constrained; the predator was limited to the area he could cover by car, to use an emblematic example, needed careful wooing or “casing” of his victim, and was restricted by the limitations of crude technologies like the telephone.

In the abstract and artificial electronic universe known as cyberspace, none of these restrictive qualifiers obtain. Furthermore, there is a fourth advantage that ICT offers iPredators: anonymity. On the internet it is easy for iPredators to actively design online profiles and diversionary tactics to remain undetected and untraceable.

Free Cyberstalking Assessment Links

Cyberstalking Prevention Checklist [CSPC]

iPredator Probability Inventory – Cyberstalking [IPI-CS]

Cyberstalker Identification Interview [CSII]


Michael Nuccitelli, Psy.D.

Michael Nuccitelli, Psy.D. is a NYS licensed psychologist, cyberpsychology researcher and online safety educator. In 2009, Dr. Nuccitelli finalized his dark side of cyberspace concept called iPredator. Since 2010, he has advised those seeking information about cyberbullying, cyberstalking, cybercriminal minds, internet addiction and his Dark Psychology concept. By day Dr. Nuccitelli is a practicing psychologist, clinical supervisor and owner of MN Psychological Services, PLLC. After work and on the weekends, he volunteers helping online users who have been cyber-attacked. Dr. Nuccitelli’s is always available to interested parties and the media at no cost. This website and everything created by Dr. Nuccitelli is educational, free and public domain.


Donate to Action Against Stalking

Action Against Stalking is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organization (SCIO No: SC044905)




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