
iPredator Probability Inventory – Teen



The iPredator Probability Inventory-Teen [IPI-T] is an internet safety tool and cyber-attack risk assessment authored by Michael Nuccitelli, Psy.D., a New York State licensed psychologist, forensic psychology consultant and iPredator Inc. founder. The iPredator Probability Inventory-Teen [IPI-T] assesses an adolescent’s online risk activities, cyber-attack vulnerabilities and internet safety prowess. Designed to be multi-functional, the iPredator Probability Inventory-Teen [IPI-T] is a structured inventory for diagnostics, education, investigation and data collection. The IPI-T can also be used for compiling evidentiary information for school officials, law enforcement, Internet Service Providers and the legal system if the adolescent is being cyber attacked by an online assailant[s].

Developed by Dr. Nuccitelli, the IPI-T was designed to help parents, educators and pediatric professionals assess an adolescent’s internet safety practices and online vulnerabilities. Internet safety, sextortion and online sexual predation are areas vital to all online users, parents and school systems. From a developmental standpoint, teens are particularly vulnerable given their maturational stage influencing them to be more prone to high-risk online activities and impulse control variations.

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The IPI-T is a 110-question diagnostic and education tool designed to examine a teen’s online victimization risk potential & cyber-attack awareness. To view a sample of the items that are used in internet safety tools, feel free to visit iPredator Inc.’s cyber risk list web page or clicking on this link: Cyber Risk List.

iPredator Probability Inventory – Teen


iPredator Probability Inventory-Teen [IPI-T]: The iPredator Probability Inventory-Teen is a 110-question diagnostic, education, assessment and data collection tool designed to investigate an adolescent or young adult’s online preparedness, vulnerability and risk potential of being targeted by an iPredator. This diagnostic tool is similar to the IPI-P & IPI-330, but queries areas developmentally relevant to an adolescent or young adult involving sexuality, intimate partnerships and perceived peer group acceptance.

Just as all the IPI Assessment Collection inventories, the IPI-T focuses on the adolescent’s relationship to ICT, their knowledge base of malevolent and nefarious users, environmental aspects influencing their Information and Communications Technology [ICT] activities and their practice of the behavioral actions necessary for internet safety and preparedness if cyber attacked.

The IPI-T is completed by an adolescent or young adult age 13-21 but can also be used by adults and educators for educational and data collection purposes. Once completed, the IPI score, ranging from 0-110, represents their preparedness, vulnerability and risk potential of being targeted by an iPredator engaged in cybercrime, cyberstalking, cyber harassment, cyberbullying or trolling for a target to sexually victimize. The IPI-T investigates the areas problematic to all Information Age children and adolescents. Furthermore, the IPI-T also addresses the growth of mobile device technology and attempts by iPredators to infiltrate their target’s mobile devices.

Internet Safety Inventory

Please note that all iPredator Inc. checklist & inventory tools have been formatted and designed to function as data collection, assessment, educational and internet safety monitoring tools. Of the 26 checklists & inventories offered, the IISC tools [14 Checklists] are formatted for verification and initial screening for internet safety, cyber-attack preparedness and Information and Communications Technology [ICT] weaknesses. The IPI tools [12 Inventories] are designed for inquiry, open discussion and inspection of internet safety, cyber-attack preparedness and Information and Communications Technology [ICT] vulnerabilities.

Cyber Attack Risk Assessment & Educational Tool

Dr. Nuccitelli is quoted saying, It amazes me how some teens are able to both survive and thrive in the Information Age. Cyberbullying, cyberstalking, online sexual predation and cyber harassment await them every day if they let down their guard in cyberspace. Not only support, encourage and educate your children on internet safety, but tell them how impressed with their capacity to stay safe you are.”

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Michael Nuccitelli, Psy.D.

Michael Nuccitelli, Psy.D. is a NYS licensed psychologist, cyberpsychology researcher and online safety educator. In 2009, Dr. Nuccitelli finalized his dark side of cyberspace concept called iPredator. Since 2010, he has advised those seeking information about cyberbullying, cyberstalking, cybercriminal minds, internet addiction and his Dark Psychology concept. By day Dr. Nuccitelli is a practicing psychologist, clinical supervisor and owner of MN Psychological Services, PLLC. After work and on the weekends, he volunteers helping online users who have been cyber-attacked. Dr. Nuccitelli’s is always available to interested parties and the media at no cost. This website and everything created by Dr. Nuccitelli is educational, free and public domain.


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