Public Domain Troll Triad Images by Michael Nuccitelli, Psy.D. (2)
25 Public Domain Troll Triad Images
Michael Nuccitelli Psy.D.
(Part 2)
Provided below are another 25 free “Troll Triad” awareness images created by this writer Michael Nuccitelli Psy.D. They are JPEG files and 1080×1080, 1080×1350 or 1080×608 pixels. These images are optimized for Instagram and can be edited to different sizes. Dr. Nuccitelli’s images are available for direct download, free and public domain. Edit them as you wish and no attribution is required.
Internet Troll Definition
Internet Troll is a colloquial expression describing any person(s) who uses Information and Communications Technology (ICT) to instigate, tease, provoke or incite to anger other online users or groups of online users. Their primary goal is to illicit and instigate a negative response from their provocations. For most Online Trolls, they have a perceptually distorted sense of personal gain rooted in feeling pride, power, control and self-worth by causing others distress and frustration.
Motivated by what this writer calls being successful Online Provocateurs & Cyber Hecklers, an Internet Troll’s sense of power and control is directly correlated to the volume and depth of distress and anger they cause others. Given that their feelings of power and control are linked to the amount of negativity they cause others, the Internet Troll is driven by the adage “The More Online Pain, The More Troll Gain”.
Internet Trolls are online user response dependent seeking feelings of power when there is confirmation of the anguish, they cause others. So entrenched in this cyber illusion of distorted power, the Internet Troll experiences a sense of accomplishment when their targets attempt to disparage and humiliate them.
Troll Triad Defined
Troll Triad is a cyber psychopathology-profiling concept that introduces a three-pronged archetypal model describing groups of online users who engage in defamation of character, slander & libel. Troll Triad is not just a facetious term describing three small minded online users who used social media and internet radio and information and communications technology to defame, manipulate, curry favor and seek support from other like-minded online users.
Troll Triad is also a conceptual framework and template describing how groups of online trolls (aka, iPredators) will be partitioned into three archetypal segments. This troika includes the Cerebral, Provocateur and the Crier. When these three elements mix correctly, the Troll Triad becomes a masterpiece of human predation alchemy.
Troll Triad Archetypes (3)
Cerebral: The Cerebral is the online user who serves as either the architect of the defamation and disinformation campaign, a front of legitimacy justifying the denigration and fraudulent crusade or a combination of the two. The Cerebral does not need to be adept at using Information and Communications Technology as their success is measured by how quickly others validate the group’s nefarious online activities from a cognitive standpoint. The Cerebral does not have to be formally educated with advanced academic degrees, so if they are charismatic and intriguing in online or offline public forums. The Cerebral is best described as the “brains of the online operation”.
Provocateur: The Provocateur is the online user who serves as the agitator mobilizing other like-minded online users to engage in the Troll Triad’s denigration and fraudulent defamation campaigns. Using partial truths and unsubstantiated claims about their target, the Provocateur attempts to champion a sense of “us vs. them” to instill their perceptual distortion in the online users they are trying to motivate. The Provocateur serves four primary functions.
- Motivate and mobilize as many like-minded online users as possible to become active participants in the defamation campaigns.
- Create, disseminate and motivate like-minded online users by using details about their target to justify their campaigns.
- Actively and persistently, exonerate and espouse accolades about the Cerebral to create a pseudo-moral justification for attacking their target(s).
- Provoke and incite as many like-minded online users as possible by using partial truths, total fabrications and unsubstantiated claims ranging from mildly embellished to completely
Crier: The Crier is the online user who serves as messenger, event planner and the cloaked skeptic when communicating the Troll Triad’s rationale for launching and managing their denigration and fraudulent defamation campaigns. The Crier habitually disseminates felonious information, partial truths and “us vs. them” implanted morsels of disinformation to rationalize the Troll Triad’s malevolent online activities.
Within the Troll Triad, the Crier is least likely to be intelligent, provocative or charismatic as the Cerebral and Provocateur. The Crier is more adept and skilled in their ability to spread the Triad’s message. Not only is the Crier the most effective messenger of the three typologies, but they also serve as the group’s cloaked skeptic. Although their objectives to disparage and defame a target are the same as the Cerebral and Provocateur, the Crier works to validate the Cerebral’s intellect and the Provocateur’s passion by presented alternative views and insights.
Troll Triad Images
iPredator Predatory Troll Checklist (IPTC)
Michael Nuccitelli, Psy.D.
Michael Nuccitelli, Psy.D. is a NYS licensed psychologist, cyberpsychology researcher and online safety educator. In 2009, Dr. Nuccitelli finalized his dark side of cyberspace concept called iPredator. Since 2010, he has advised those seeking information about cyberbullying, cyberstalking, cybercriminal minds, internet addiction and his Dark Psychology concept. By day Dr. Nuccitelli is a practicing psychologist, clinical supervisor and owner of MN Psychological Services, PLLC. After work and on the weekends, he volunteers helping online users who have been cyber-attacked. Dr. Nuccitelli’s is always available to interested parties and the media at no cost. This website and everything created by Dr. Nuccitelli is educational, free and public domain.